Why is Mercella Smith-Whyte taking her heath journey? “I have three grandchildren,” she said. “I need to be healthy so I can stay active and go places and do things with them.”
Mercella Smith-Whyte
Home Health Aide

even years ago, Mercella Smith-Whyte and her two children came to the United States. Her father, who had already become a U.S. citizen, urged her to make the move because he wanted a better life for them. She’s glad she listened to him.
Soon after she arrived, Mercella became a Home Health Aide with FEGS Home Attendant Services. She had the experience of taking care of her grandmother while she was growing up, so she built on it as the basis for her new job. As a Home Health Aide, Mercella assists elderly clients with their medications, meals and other aspects of their daily life. “To help them is my joy,” she said. “Many of them cannot help themselves, so I want to be there for them.”
Being there for her clients is one of the reasons Mercella embarked on her health journey. She was also diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease, so taking care of her health became more important to her. Shortness of breath is one of the symptoms she experiences, so she and her doctors keep a close eye on her condition. In addition to having her yearly physical exam, Mercella sees her cardiologist every three months. Her 1199SEIU health benefits make this possible. “When I first learned I had rheumatic heart disease, I didn’t get scared. I just wanted to find out the best way to handle it,” she said. “And now my physician here knows me very well, she’s wonderful and I’m very comfortable with her.”
Both of Mercella’s doctors recommended that she lose weight, something that Mercella admits can be challenging when she’s working. But she understands how important it is, so she developed an indoor exercise routine for the days when the weather makes it too cold to walk outside. She does pushups, squats and walks around her apartment. And her plan has paid off. “I feel better and I’m more flexible after I exercise. And my cardiologist told me I’ve lost three pounds since my last visit,” she said with a smile. “He told me to keep doing what I’m doing, so I will!”
Mercella also embraced healthy eating by cutting down on rice and bread, while adding more vegetables to her meals. She eats smaller portions and makes her own healthy juice blends using cucumbers, mangos, kale and green apples.
Mercella was also interested when she learned about the Benefit Funds’ partnership with WeightWatchers® and is considering becoming a member. In the meantime, she has a new favorite at the dinner table. “I eat more seafood now,” she said. “Any kind is fine, as long as it’s fish!”
What’s Mercella’s WHY? “I have three grandchildren,” she said. “I need to be healthy so I can stay active and go places and do things with them.”
And Mercella has more to celebrate. In 2022, she became a U.S. citizen after finding out about the 1199SEIU Citizenship Program. “They took care of everything for me,” she recalled. “Thanks to them, the process went so smoothly, and it only took six months. They even reimbursed me for most of the fees. What they do is wonderful—I’m very grateful to them!”
But Mercella isn’t stopping there. “I intend to continue being active with my family, and I’m also thinking of going back to school to further my education in the nursing field,” she said. “I just want to keep going!”