January 2024
Below, please find information about January’s list of classes to exercise your mind and body, as well as updates on your benefits and programs. We hope you find this month’s bulletin helpful and make time for self-care so that you can remain Retired, but Active! Enjoy!
This month, we will begin returning to in-person meetings for some Chapters!
Please see the complete list to determine whether your meeting will be in person.
NOTICE: If you are a pensioner who returned to work, and you have been working for more than 40 hours a month to help alleviate industry staffing shortages, please be advised that the waiver that was granted will soon end.
Effective January 1, 2024, if you wish to continue working for more than 40 hours a month, your pension and applicable retiree health benefits will be suspended until you reduce your hours. The established Plan rule was waived during the COVID-19 pandemic but will resume across all 1199SEIU Pension Funds on January 1, 2024.
If you have questions, please call our Retiree Services Center at (646) 473-8666; outside of NYC, (800) 892-2557.

Make Your Health Your New Year’s Resolution!
Welcome to 2024! The start of the new year is a great time to prioritize your health. As an 1199SEIU retiree, you have access to a whole host of benefits to help keep you in top shape. And if you are enrolled in the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage plan, you are covered for visits to a primary care physician—someone who can offer you personalized care tailored to your specific needs.
When it comes to wellness, prevention is crucial! Seeing your doctor regularly enables you to have peace of mind about where you stand. Health screenings help you monitor any ongoing issues and early diagnosis helps ensure an early start if you need treatment. Your doctor may recommend screenings for blood pressure, osteoporosis and colorectal and breast cancers, among others. So, make an appointment with your doctor to find out what screenings you should have—and start 2024 with your health goals in the spotlight!
Please refer to your Summary Plan Description for more information about your retiree health benefit eligibility.

Findhelp When You Need It
Life’s needs can be unexpected, but you can always count on getting support at findhelp.1199SEIUBenefits.org, your Benefit Fund’s curated search engine that locates free and low-cost community services and programs wherever you and your loved ones live. Search for assistance with transportation, emotional well-being, nutritional and food programs, financial and legal assistance and more. Although we are pleased to share these resources with you, the services offered through findhelp are not benefits covered by your Benefit Fund.

The Healthy Living Resource Center Is Your Wellness Toolkit!
If you want to get and keep your health on track, your Benefit Fund has you covered. The Healthy Living Resource Center gives you info, expert insights and wellness tools, split into five channels covering the pillars of a healthy lifestyle: Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Hearts, Healthy Eating and Healthy Provider Relationships. Browse each section for nutrition tips, health trackers, interactive exercise videos and screening guidelines. Healthy Living will be updated frequently with new information about upcoming programs and partnerships, so be sure to check back often.

Starting in 2024, Healthy Home Visits Will Be Scheduled Through Signify Health
If you are enrolled in the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage plan, your 2024 Healthy Home Visits will be scheduled through Signify Health. But don’t worry, your benefit isn’t changing! A Healthy Home Visit is a one-hour at-home checkup and is in addition to your annual Medicare wellness visit and annual physical. During this visit, a licensed clinician will review your medications and medical history. They will also check your vital signs, look for safety risks and answer your health questions. This visit does not replace your regular doctor visits or change your health plan. To schedule a Healthy Home Visit, call (855) 746-8709.

Have You Joined Our Retired Members’ Online Community Yet?
Stay connected and get the latest information about your benefits and programs with our 1199SEIU Retired Members Facebook group. That’s where you can find the latest news, learn about upcoming meetings and talk with fellow retirees. Join the group today and invite other retired members.
Remember: We are stronger together!

Protect Your Health this Winter by Getting Vaccinated
The winter is a great time to boost your immunity and protect yourself and others from viruses like the flu and COVID-19. Health experts caution that COVID-19 can still pose a risk and have recommended the updated booster shot. Additionally, the flu vaccine is the best way to lower your risk of severe illness should you be exposed to the virus. Vaccinations offer widespread protection for you and your loved ones, so if you are eligible, we encourage you to get your shots as soon as possible. Visit your doctor or participating pharmacy to get your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Support Your Emotional Health with Aetna’s MDLIVE
A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. Now, retirees enrolled in the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan can get support for their emotional well-being through MDLIVE, an online resource. With MDLIVE, you can connect with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist by phone or video chat from the comfort of your home on your schedule. To get started, visit www.MDLIVE.com/AetnaMedicareBH and follow the prompts to create an account. To learn more about MDLIVE, call (888) 865-0729.

Learn New Skills and Explore Interests with Continuing Education Programs
Is there a subject you’ve always wanted to study or a topic you want to learn more about? 1199SEIU retirees can access free and low-cost educational opportunities, including in-person courses at colleges throughout New York and online classes offered nationwide.

Stay Connected with Online Chapter Meetings
We hope you are enjoying these meetings, using them to connect with friendly faces and get updates on Funds news and information about your retiree benefits. As we continue to keep an eye on health recommendations and guidelines, we have decided to resume holding in-person chapter meetings at several locations in the New York area. All other chapters will continue to meet online via Zoom. Take a look at the listings below and plan to attend your in-person meeting, or simply join your chapter meeting by typing the Zoom link listed below into your Internet browser and entering the meeting ID and passcode when prompted. You can also join your meeting using the phone number listed below your chapter.

Exercise Your Mind and Body with Tai Chi, Mindful Meditation and Chair Yoga
The Retired Members Division has again partnered with Mind Over Matter Fitness to bring you classes for your mental and physical well-being. View the class descriptions and join the classes online via Zoom at the links listed below. For more information, please call (646) 473-8761.

Cooking for Your Health
Let’s get cooking! We’re excited to get in the kitchen to show you how to prepare healthy meals and share tips for better eating. Each class will last one hour at the Zoom links listed below and will include a cooking demonstration with Chef Jamie. Take a look at the tasty off erings you’ll cook up this month!
Stay Connected
with Your Funds
For your convenience, all of our offices are open for retiree benefit assistance services that can’t be handled online or over the phone. Of course, you can always access your benefits from the comfort of your home, 24/7. Visit MyAccount (www.My1199Benefits.org) or make an online appointment to speak with a Retiree Services Representative by visiting www.1199SEIUBenefits.org/Appt. You may also call Retiree Services directly at (646) 473-8666.
If you need to visit a Funds office, schedule an appointment online at www.1199SEIUBenefits.org/Appt to reduce wait times and facilitate social distancing.