October 2024
Below, please find information about October’s list of classes to exercise your mind and body, as well as updates on your benefits and programs. We hope you find this month’s bulletin helpful and make time for self-care so that you can remain Retired, but Active! Enjoy!
Donna Rey, EdD
Message from the Executive Director
Dear Retired Members,
I cannot believe it’s already October. I feel like this year has just flown by! Before we know it, we will be heading into the holiday season with all the hustle and bustle it brings. It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with family and friends. And the months leading up to it are the perfect time to lay the groundwork for finishing the year feeling good about where our health journeys have taken us.
We have a number of valuable resources available to support you on your journey. In fact, if you are looking for some delicious ideas for healthy holiday eating, I have some exciting news. Award-winning chef, restaurateur and author Marcus Samuelsson will be our upcoming podcast guest! Chef Samuelsson is the co-founder of Red Rooster in Harlem and the author of the cookbook The Rise: Black Cooks and the Soul of American Food. He’ll be dropping by our Health Is the Key podcast in November to talk with host Elizabeth Moore about using healthy ingredient swaps in his favorite holiday recipes. You can have the best of both worlds with healthy food that tastes good—so don’t forget to tune in by visiting Health Is The Key.
I love to try new things, so if you’re ready to join me, there are a wide range of in-person and online classes you can dive into. From photography to Latin cardio dance, there is something for everyone. I don’t know about you, but I believe it’s important to always remain open to learning—so check out the complete schedule of what we offer.
And now that we’re moving into the heart of autumn, flu and cold season is here. So, please take the time to talk with your doctor about whether you are due for any vaccinations. Boosting your immunity can protect you and your loved ones.
It’s important to stay connected, especially in retirement, so you may want to mark your calendar for your upcoming chapter meeting. Look inside this bulletin to find out when yours is being held and whether it will be in-person or on Zoom. Some chapters allow you to choose whether to attend in-person or online, so explore all your options!
For a full list of chapter meetings, classes and events, see below.
It’s been quite a year! I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Health is the key to unlocking life’s joys. So, keep up the good work on your journey!
In good health,
Donna Rey, EdD
Executive Director, 1199SEIU Benefit and Pension Funds
CEO, 1199SEIU Funds Administrative Operations
Un Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva
Estimados miembros jubilados:
No puedo creer que ya sea octubre. ¡Siento que este año se pasó volando! Antes de que nos demos cuenta, estaremos llegando a la temporada navideña con todo el ajetreo que conlleva. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para celebrar con familiares y amigos. Y los meses previos a estas fechas son el momento perfecto para hacer los preparativos para terminar el año satisfechos con el progreso que hemos logrado en nuestros caminos hacia la salud.
Contamos con una serie de valiosos recursos que pueden brindarle apoyo en su camino. De hecho, si busca algunas deliciosas ideas para comer sano durante las fi estas, tengo buenas noticias. El galardonado chef, dueño de restaurante y autor Marcus Samuelsson será nuestro próximo invitado en el pódcast. El chef Samuelsson es cofundador del restaurante Red Rooster en Harlem y autor del libro de cocina The Rise: Black Cooks and the Soul of American Food. Participará en nuestro pódcast Health Is the Key (La salud es la clave) en noviembre para conversar con nuestra anfi triona Elizabeth Moore sobre el uso de ingredientes saludables para retocar sus recetas favoritas para las fi estas. Puede disfrutar de lo mejor de ambos mundos con comida saludable que sabe bien, así que no olvide sintonizar con el enlace Health Is The Key.
Me encanta probar cosas nuevas, así que, si le interesa unirse, puede adentrarse en una amplia variedad de clases presenciales y en línea. Desde fotografía hasta baile cardio latino, hay algo para todos. En mi opinión, es importante estar siempre dispuesto a aprender, así que consulte el programa completo de lo que ofrecemos.
Y, ahora, con la llegada del otoño, llega la temporada de gripe y resfriados. Por lo tanto, tómese un momento para consultar
con su médico si debe vacunarse. Reforzar su inmunidad puede protegerlo a usted y a sus seres queridos.
Es importante mantenerse conectado, especialmente después de jubilarse, así que no olvide anotar en su calendario la próxima reunión de la agrupación. Vea dentro de este boletín para saber cuándo se celebra la suya y si será presencial o por Zoom. Algunas agrupaciones le permiten elegir entre asistir presencial o virtual, así que explore todas sus opciones.
También puede consultar la lista completa de las reuniones, clases y eventos del capítulo, consulte a continuación.
¡Ha sido un gran año! Sé que lo he dicho antes, pero lo diré de nuevo: La salud es la clave para disfrutar los buenos momentos de la vida. ¡Continúe con el buen trabajo en su camino hacia la salud!
En buena salud,
Donna Rey, EdD
Directora Ejecutiva
Fondos de Beneficios y Pensiones de 1199SEIU
Mary Stovall-Merrill
Retired Members Division
President’s Message
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Welcome to fall! As we settle into these crisp and cozy days of the new season, I’m reminded of the resilience of the 1199 community. Despite the cold winds of change in the air, you repeatedly rise to the occasion and move forward, with gusto!
I hope your health is at the top of your fall “to-do” list. It’s that time again: Are you up to date on all your shots? Immunizations are still the best way to protect your health and prevent severe illness during the bumpy COVID-19, cold and flu season. Check in with your doctor to find out if you’re eligible or all caught up. Speaking of checking in, this is also a great time to schedule your annual exam with your doctor. We all may drag our feet a bit, but wellness checkups give us peace of mind. If any problems do come up, you’ll be able to get on a treatment path as soon as possible.
Maintaining a focus on your health journey is more important than ever—vigilance and due diligence are the best recipe for protecting ourselves and our communities and reaching our health goals. Now is the perfect time to get connected, build a routine or simply try something new. “Retired, but active…” includes an active mind and engagement! The Benefit Funds have you covered with a schedule jam-packed with classes to take and meetings to join. Whether in-person or online, it’s easier than ever to gather with friends near and far with activities like sewing, chorus, yoga, cooking and much more.
No matter what lies ahead of us this season, I know that 1199ers will push through with a spirit of persistence and positivity.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, the Funds are by your side. Reach out to the Retired Members Division by calling (646) 473-8666.
In solidarity,
Mary Stovall-Merrill
Mensaje de la Presidenta
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
¡Les damos la bienvenida al otoño! A medida que nos adentramos en estos días frescos y acogedores de la nueva estación, me llegan recuerdos de la resiliencia de la comunidad 1199. A pesar de los fríos vientos de cambio que soplan en el aire, siempre están a la altura de las circunstancias y siguen adelante, ¡y con entusiasmo!
Espero que la salud esté en lo más alto de sus listas de pendientes para el otoño. Ha llegado la hora de nuevo: ¿están al día con todas sus vacunas? Las vacunas siguen siendo la mejor manera de proteger la salud y prevenir enfermedades graves durante la agitada temporada de resfriados, gripe y COVID-19. Consulten a su médico para saber si cumplen los requisitos o están al día. Hablando de consultas, también es un buen momento para programar el examen anual con su médico. A todos nos da un poquito de pereza, pero los chequeos de bienestar dan paz mental. Si surgieran problemas, podrían iniciar el tratamiento tan pronto como les sea possible.
Mantener el enfoque en el camino de su salud es más importante que nunca: la vigilancia y la diligencia debida son la mejor receta para protegernos a nosotros mismos y a nuestras comunidades y alcanzar nuestros objetivos de salud. Este es el momento perfecto para conectarnos, crear una rutina o, sencillamente, probar algo nuevo. “Retired, but active…” (Jubilado pero activo…) incluye compromiso y mentes en actividad. Los Fondos de Beneficiosles ofrecen un programa repleto de clases y reuniones para participar. Ya sea en persona o en línea, es más fácil que nunca reunirse con amigos cercanos y lejanos para realizar actividades como costura, coro, yoga, cocina y mucho más.
No importa lo que nos aguarde esta temporada, sé que los integrantes de 1199 saldrán adelante con un espíritu de perseverancia y positividad.
Como siempre, si tienen preguntas o inquietudes, los Fondos están a su lado. Comuníquense con la División de Miembros Jubilados llamando al (646) 473-8666.
En solidaridad,
Mary Stovall-Merrill
George Gresham
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
A Message From George Gresham
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
First things first: Kamala Harris is going to be the next president of the United States. And we 1199ers—especially our veteran retirees—are going to help make that happen.
As a former senator, attorney general, and prosecutor, Kamala Harris is more than up to the task to prosecute the case of why a twice-impeached and 34-time convicted felon—the person who instigated the assault on our nation’s Capitol and who was also found liable for sexual assault—has no place anywhere near the Oval Office.
Too many people in this country feel ignored by our political system. They feel insulted that politicians don’t care to understand what is going on in their lives. Sixty percent of our people live paycheck to paycheck. Life expectancy for working-class people is ten years shorter than it is for the rich. We want a government that represents us and not corporate America.
And Trump? His “Project 2025” platform calls for banning unions for public service workers; firing civil service workers and replacing them with Trump anti-union loyalists, letting bosses eliminate unions mid-contract, letting companies stop paying overtime and allowing states to opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage laws, and eliminating child labor protections.
As we know, the corrupt Trump Supreme Court demolished the decades-long Roe v. Wade protections of bodily autonomy for women. Harris is reminding female voters that Trump is a sexual predator and that he and his team would ban abortions, even for rape victims.
At the Republican National Convention, delegates were given signs that demanded “Mass Deportations Now.” Under a new Trump administration, were it to make a serious attempt to round up and deport eleven million undocumented immigrants, there’s no possible scenario that doesn’t look like an authoritarian nightmare. Stephen Miller, Trump’s top aide on immigration, has said he plans to bring in the National Guard, state and local police and, if necessary, the military. This deportation force would go house-to-house and business-to-business to round up millions of immigrants, expel them to tent camps along the southern border and then use the Air Force to transport them back to their countries of origin.
Everything we hold dear—our retirement security, our union, our children’s and grandchildren’s futures, our health, our environment—everything is at stake.
Trump is a clear and present danger. But he is beatable! In seven of the last eight presidential elections, the Republicans lost the popular vote. Put another way, they’ve only won the popular vote once in the past 32 years.
But as we 1199ers know, we don’t win unless we fight. In poker, at the end of the game, there is sometimes something called
“table stakes.” Every player pushes all the money they have into the pile for one last hand. That’s where we stand with this election. Everything we hold dear—our retirement security, our union, our children’s and grandchildren’s futures, our health, our environment—everything is at stake.
We 1199ers are mounting the most massive voter turnout and member engagement operation ever, hitting the streets and phone lines to get out the vote to advance the most pro-worker agenda in U.S. history. We need you.
Let’s go win this!
In solidarity,
George Gresham
Un Mensaje De George Gresham
Queridos hermanos y hermanas:
“Primero lo primero: Kamala Harris va a ser la próxima presidenta de los Estados Unidos y nosotros, los integrantes de 1199 (en especial nuestros veteranos jubilados) vamos a ayudar a que eso pase.
Como exsenadora, abogada general y procuradora, Kamala Harris está más que a la altura de la tarea de enjuiciar el caso de por qué un delincuente dos veces impugnado y 34 veces condenado (la persona que instigó el asalto al Capitolio de nuestra nación y que también fue declarado responsable de agresión sexual) no tiene lugar en ninguna parte cerca de la Oficina Oval.
Demasiada gente de este país se siente ignorada por nuestro sistema político. Se siente insultada por los políticos que no se preocupan por entender qué sucede con sus vidas. El sesenta por ciento de nuestra población tiene lo justo para vivir. La esperanza de vida de las personas de clase trabajadora es diez años menor que la de los ricos. Queremos un gobierno que nos represente a nosotros y no a los Estados Unidos corporativos.
¿Y Trump? Su plataforma “Proyecto 2025” propone prohibir los sindicatos para los trabajadores de los servicios públicos; despedir a los trabajadores de la función pública y sustituirlos por antisindicales partidistas de Trump; permitir que los jefes eliminen los sindicatos a mitad de contrato; permitir que las empresas dejen de pagar las horas extras y que los estados opten por no aplicar las leyes federales sobre horas extras y salario mínimo; y eliminar las protecciones sobre trabajo infantile.
Como ya sabemos, el corrupto Tribunal Supremo de Trump derribó las protecciones Roe v. Wade, que durante décadas otorgaron la autonomía corporal de las mujeres. Harris les recuerda a las votantes femeninas que Trump es un agresor sexual y que él y su equipo prohibirían los abortos, incluso para las víctimas de violación.
En la Convención Nacional Republicana, los delegados recibieron carteles que exigían “Deportaciones masivas ahora”. Bajo un nuevo gobierno de Trump, en caso de que hiciera un intent serio de reunir y deportar a once millones de inmigrantes indocumentados, todos los escenarios posibles hacen que parezca una pesadilla autoritaria. Stephen Miller, el asesor principal de Trump en cuanto a inmigración, dijo que planea utilizar a la Guardia Nacional, a la policía estatal y local y, de ser necesario, al ejército. Estas fuerzas de deportación irían casa por casa y” empresa por empresa para acorralar a millones de inmigrantes, expulsarlos a campamentos de carpas a lo largo de la frontera sur y luego utilizar la Fuerza Aérea para transportarlos de vuelta a sus países de origen.
Todo lo que apreciamos está en juego: la seguridad de nuestra jubilación, nuestro sindicato, el futuro de nuestros hijos y nietos, nuestra salud y nuestro medio ambiente.
Trump es un peligro claro y presente, ¡pero es posible derrotarlo! En siete de las últimas ocho elecciones presidenciales, los republicanos perdieron el voto popular. Puesto de otra forma, solo ganaron el voto popular una vez en los últimos 32 años.
Como los integrantes de 1199 sabemos, no ganamos sin pelear. En el póquer, al final de la partida, a veces hay algo llamado
“límite de apuesta”. Cada jugador pone todo el dinero que tiene en el montón para una última mano. Esa es la situación de estas elecciones. Todo lo que apreciamos está en juego: la seguridad de nuestra jubilación, nuestro sindicato, el futuro de nuestros hijos y nietos, nuestra salud y nuestro medio ambiente.
Nosotros, los integrantes de 1199, estamos organizando la operación más masiva de la historia en cuanto a participación electoral y compromiso de los afiliados, saliendo a las calles y a las líneas telefónicas para conseguir el voto que haga avanzar la agenda con mayor inclinación obrera de la historia de Estados Unidos. Lo necesitamos.
¡Salgamos a ganar esto!
En solidaridad,
George Gresham

Check Out Our Health Is the Key Podcast!
We hope you’ve had the chance to listen to our podcast, Health Is the Key, where you’ll get cutting-edge healthy living information from our industry’s experts and leaders!
We have an exciting lineup of guests, and you can tune in right away to hear our first nine episodes. So, wherever you get your podcasts, subscribe to Health Is the Key to be inspired and informed.

Check Out Our YouTube Channel!
Looking for some quick dinner inspiration? Check out one of our healthy, mouth-watering cooking demos! Feeling stressed? We’ve got you. Get some coping strategies from Dr. Karinn Glover or try some deep breathing exercises with Lupe, our 1199 social worker. There are just so many possibilities on our new YouTube channel! Now you can find all of our healthy living videos in one convenient place! So, subscribe today, share with your family and friends and come back often. We regularly add new videos created to educate, entertain and inspire you!

Findhelp When You Need It
Life’s needs can be unexpected, but you can always count on getting support at findhelp.1199SEIUBenefits.org, your Benefit Fund’s curated search engine that locates free and low-cost community services and programs to assist you with transportation, emotional well-being, nutritional and food programs, financial and legal assistance, and more.
Although we are pleased to share these resources with you, the services offered are not benefits covered by your Benefit Fund.

The Healthy Living Resource Center Is Your Wellness Toolkit!
The Healthy Living Resource Center has five sections: Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Hearts, Healthy Eating and Healthy Provider Relationships. Browse each section often for regularly updated wellness tools, exercise videos and screening guidelines—as well as expert insight.

Explore Age-Friendly Websites
There are several organizations who work to make New York a great place for seniors to live. Here are just a few websites you may find helpful:

Protect Your Health by Getting Vaccinated
The fall is a great time to boost your immunity and protect yourself and your loved ones against viruses like the flu and COVID-19. So, if you’re eligible, we encourage you to get your shots as soon as possible. Vaccines are safe and effective—give yourself an added layer of protection from severe illness by getting your shots today! Visit your doctor or participating pharmacy to get your updated vaccinations.

Have You Joined Our Retired Members’ Online Community Yet?
We’re stronger together! So stay connected with our 1199SEIU Retired Members Facebook group.

Support Your Emotional Health with Aetna’s MDLIVE
A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. If you are enrolled in the 1199SEIU Aetna Medicare Advantage Plan, you can get online support for your emotional well-being through MDLIVE. You can connect with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist by phone or video chat from the comfort of your home on your schedule. To get started, visit www.MDLIVE.com/AetnaMedicareBH and follow the prompts to create an account. To learn more about MDLIVE, call (888) 865-0729.

Stay Informed with Aetna Online Health Presentations
Through our partnership with Aetna, you can stay up to date on important health and wellness topics by viewing monthly online presentations. An Aetna registered nurse will present a 30-minute live webinar on the monthly health topic and provide resources. The video will be available on the Aetna website at the start of each month, allowing you to watch whenever it fits your schedule.
Upcoming Topics
October: Anemia
November: Balancing hormones and managing diabetes with exercise

Stay Connected with In-person and Online Chapter Meetings
We hope you are enjoying these meetings, using them to connect with friendly faces and get updates on Funds news and information about your retiree benefits. As we continue to keep an eye on health recommendations and guidelines, we have decided to resume holding in-person chapter meetings at several locations in the New York and New Jersey areas. All other chapters will continue to meet online via Zoom. Take a look at the listings below and plan to attend your in-person meeting, or simply join your chapter meeting by typing the Zoom link listed below into your Internet browser and entering the meeting ID and passcode when prompted. You can also join your meeting using the phone number listed below your chapter.

Cooking for Your Health
Let’s get cooking! We’re excited to get in the kitchen to show you how to prepare healthy meals and share tips for better eating. Each class will last one hour at the Zoom links listed below and will include a cooking demonstration. Take a look at the tasty offerings you’ll cook up this month!

Exercise Your Mind and Body
We’ve partnered again with Mind over Matter Fitness to bring you classes for your mental and physical well-being. View the class descriptions and join the classes online via Zoom at the links listed below. For more information, please call (646) 473-8761.