Create Your Care Team

Building partnerships with providers dedicated to your physical and emotional wellness helps ensure you receive quality care tailored to your unique needs and health goals.

Building partnerships with your doctors dedicated to your physical and emotional wellness helps ensure you receive quality care tailored to your unique needs and health goals.

Tune in to How Healthy Is Your Relationship with Your Doctor? where Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Van Dunn explains why healthy relationships with your healthcare providers are so important.

A Message from Rafael A. Lantigua, MD, retired

As a longtime advocate for best practices in community-academic partnerships, I am pleased to be part of initiative[s] to tackle socio-economic and racial inequities in our surrounding communities.

Photo: Belinda Gallegos

A Message from Rafael A. Lantigua, MD, retired

Building Trust Is at the Heart of Great Healthcare

Trust is at the heart of the best relationships between a patient and the primary healthcare provider. In fact, establishing and maintaining a trusted relationship could prove pivotal to your long-term health and well-being. 

For non-experts, healthcare systems may seem complicated and confusing at times. Your primary care provider can be a valuable partner as you try to navigate them. Make building a connection with those who are there to care for you a priority — it can help maximize the care you receive. Your providers are there to help! 

Your primary care provider should know as much as possible about you and your lifestyle. He or she may ask questions that don’t seem relevant, but when I care for my patients, any details about their lives and the choices they make can influence the care that I am able to provide. Knowing about my patient’s children, household, relationships, family history, job and more can influence my diagnosis and my treatment a great deal. Come to your appointment prepared and ask pertinent questions during the visit.

Take stock of how much your doctor knows about you and what additional details you can provide. A healthy relationship is all about trust going both ways.

Un Mensaje de Rafael A. Lantigua, MD, jubilado

Construyendo Confianza en el Corazón de un Magnífico Sistema de Salud

La confianza está en el corazón de las mejores relaciones entre un paciente y un proveedor de atención médica primaria. De hecho, establecer y mantener una relación de confianza podría resultar fundamental para su salud y bienestar a largo plazo.

Para la gente no experta, los sistemas de salud pueden parecer complicados y confusos a veces. Su proveedor de atención primaria puede ser un socio valioso a medida que intenta navegarlos.  Construir una conexión con aquellos que están allí para cuidar de usted debe ser una prioridad: puede ayudar a maximizar la atención que recibe. Sus proveedores están ahí para ayudar! 

Su proveedor de atención primaria debe saber tanto como sea posible sobre usted y su estilo de vida. Él o ella puede hacer preguntas que no parecen relevantes, pero cuando cuido a mis pacientes, cualquier detalle sobre sus vidas y las decisiones que toman pueden influir en la atención que puedo brindar. Conocer sobre los hijos de mi paciente, el hogar, las relaciones, los antecedentes familiares, el trabajo y más puede influir mucho en mi diagnóstico y mi tratamiento. Venga preparado y haga preguntas pertinentes durante la visita. 

Haga un balance de cuánto sabe su médico sobre usted y qué detalles adicionales puede proporcionar. Una relación saludable tiene que ver con la confianza en ambos sentidos. 

A Message from Karinn Glover, MD, MPH

There are multiple ways to address well-being. Having a good laugh, eating good meals that include vegetables and fruits, spending time in nature, and forms of exercise like dancing are all very important. Group therapy, individual psychotherapy, and in certain cases, medication, can play a vital role in maintaining well-being, too.

Photo: Oren Siddo

A Message from Karinn Glover, MD, MPH

We are still living through pretty remarkable times: a pandemic, violence and social unrest. As we weather these times, we try to manage our stress, our shock and our sadness. Some of us eat comfort foods and scroll through social media, while others disconnect and meditate or hit the gym. To each their own. No matter what you do, here are some things to keep in mind about common self-management techniques.

Above all, check in with yourself about what you’re taking in. Watching the news, engaging with social media, dealing with bullies in real life or people who routinely instigate conflict can be very taxing on our well-being.

Next, consider all you do in response to the stress of the day. Take a deep breath? Snack on some cookies? Surf the Internet? All of those, in moderation, are fine. But if you treat your stress-related insomnia with screen time or if the snacks are making your clothes uncomfortably tight, it’s time to integrate other techniques into your routine.

The Best Care Is Rooted in Healthy Relationships

Establish a Routine

Checking in with your doctor for an annual exam and any necessary screenings is a great start. The doctor who knows you best isn’t one who only sees you when you are sick. Regular, routine care builds knowledge and trust between you and your doctor.

Find a Good Fit

Finding the right therapist can take time and patience, but it’s worth the effort. See the first mental health professional who is available if you are in crisis. But as you seek a longer-term therapeutic relationship, it’s okay to ask questions and shop around for the right fit.

You won’t know until you go

Routine preventive screenings are a key component of self-care that belong at the top of your to-do list. And screenings work. Whether you get peace of mind or a head start on treating any issues, the truth is: You won’t know until you go.

Check with your primary care physician to find out which screenings are right for you.

Schedule Your Screenings for the Year

These screenings are also an excellent way to check how well you are managing an already diagnosed condition. To get screened, visit your doctor or go to an 1199SEIU health fair at your worksite.

Your Benefit Fund’s Chief Medical Officer recommends that you follow these screening guidelines.

Screening Beginning at age How often?
Physical Exam All ages At least every year
Eye Exam Age 40+ Every 2 to 4 years
Blood Pressure Screening Age 18+ At least every year
Age 18+
If your initial test results were abnormal, or if you’re at higher risk of heart disease
Every 5 years
As directed per your doctor
Glucose/Blood Sugar Screening for Diabetes*
Age 45+ With every annual checkup
Bone Density (osteoporosis screening)
Women: age 65+, as well as younger postmenopausal women who have risk factors or who have had a fracture as an adult
Men: 65+
Women: Once, then as directed per your doctor
Men: Discuss with your doctor

Cancer Screenings

Colorectal Cancer
Age 45+
Colonoscopy every 10 years or Fecal occult blood test every year or Cologuard every 3 years
Ask your doctor which test is best for you.
Cervical Cancer: PAP test
Women age 21–65
Every 3 years
Cervical Cancer: HPV and PAP test Women age 30–65 Every 5 years, or just Pap test every 3 years (If an HPV test is positive, screenings should be annual)††
Breast Cancer: Clinical Breast Exam
Women age 20+
At your regular checkup
Breast Cancer: Mammography Women age 40+ Every year
Prostate Cancer Men: Discuss with your doctor Discuss with your doctor
Lung Cancer Current/former smokers within the past 15 years, age 50 to 80, who smoked 1 pack/day for 20 years or 2 packs/day for 10 years. Annual

* Talk to your doctor if you smoke; are overweight; have high blood pressure, diabetes or a history of gestational diabetes; have a family history of diabetes, heart disease or stroke; or are at risk for coronary artery disease.

† For all cancer screenings, talk to your doctor about your history and see if you need to get additional tests at an earlier age.

† For all cancer screenings, talk to your doctor about your history and see if you need to get additional tests at an earlier age.


†† The HPV test looks for infections that are likely to cause cervical cancer, and can be used alone or at the same time as the Pap test.

†† The HPV test looks for infections that are likely to cause cervical cancer, and can be used alone or at the same time as the Pap test.

Sources: American Academy of Family Physicians; American Cancer Society; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Quality Care Requires an Open Dialogue


A Conversation with Dr. Rafael Lantigua and Sandra Harris on The Importance of the Patient-Provider Relationship

Una conversación con el Dr. Rafael Lantigua y Sandra Harris sobre la importancia de la relación entre proveedor y paciente

Come Prepared

Your care team is made up of doctors, nurses, nutritionists, therapists and more – all working together to support your health. With your team coordinating services and treatment plans when needed, you can be confident knowing you’re getting well-rounded care.

Take Your Time

Finding the best therapist for you may not happen right away. It’s okay to move on if the fit doesn’t feel right or to readjust as your needs or concerns change.

Build a Relationship with Your Provider

Look for a doctor whose communication style and personality mesh with yours.

Keep your appointments and stay up to date on regular check-ups and screenings.

Make a list of questions or concerns you want to discuss during your appointment.

Be honest about your lifestyle and habits.

Ask follow-up questions if you don’t understand.

Bring a friend or family member with you to help remember questions – and any information or instructions the doctor shares.

To start your search, visit

Questions to Ask a Healthcare Provider After a Diagnosis

What is the test for and when will I get the results?

How do you spell the name of that drug?

Are there any side effects?

Will it interact with medicines that I’m already taking?

Why do I need this treatment?

Can you explain this in layperson’s terms?

Are there any alternative treatments?

What are the possible complications?

Should I be referred to a specialist?

Which hospital is best for my needs?

How many times have you done this procedure?

Is there anything that you think I should ask that I haven’t asked?

Questions to Ask a Therapist

What kind of therapy do you do?

What is a typical session like?

How should I prepare for my first session?

How do you measure progress?

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do I feel comfortable with this therapist?

Do my background and experiences align with the therapist’s approach?

Does the therapist specialize in the area I want to address?

What do I hope to get out of therapy?

Am I ready to change?


76% of people in U.S. have a regular primary care provider.

87% of people in the U.S. believe having a mental health disorder is nothing to be ashamed of.

74% of people in U.S. have a positive view of doctors.

Source: Pew Research Center report

86% believe people with mental health disorders can get better.


Access free or reduced-cost community services and programs close to where you live or work with Search for support in your community, including housing assistance, emotional well-being resources, child care, legal help and more.

Visit to get started.

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Programs at Your Worksite

As an 1199SEIU member, you may have access to programs where you work to help you live a healthy lifestyle.

The information contained in this site is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives. See terms of use.

**$25 shop credit + shipping on us offer terms: You must purchase a WW membership plan between 6/1/23 and 7/31/23 to get a $25 WW Shop Credit that can be used at the WW Shop at You will receive the credit via email within 5 to 7 days of signup. Available only where membership plans are offered through your employer or health plan, and in participating areas only. One per member. Credit must be redeemed by 8/31/23. Some products may be excluded. Free shipping is applicable on standard ground shipping to a single continental U.S. delivery address only. Offer not available to current members. Non-transferable. Offer is subject to change without notice.

Health Is The Key, a podcast for 1199SEIU members